![]() |
crashrpt | |
A crash reporting system for Windows applications |
Defines | |
#define | crpOpenErrorReport crpOpenErrorReportA |
Character set-independent mapping of crpOpenErrorReportW() and crpOpenErrorReportA() functions. | |
#define | CRP_TBL_XMLDESC_MISC _T("XmlDescMisc") |
Table: Miscellaneous info contained in crash description XML file. | |
#define | CRP_TBL_XMLDESC_FILE_ITEMS _T("XmlDescFileItems") |
Table: The list of file items contained in error report. | |
#define | CRP_TBL_XMLDESC_CUSTOM_PROPS _T("XmlDescCustomProps") |
Table: The list of application-defined properties (available since v.1.2.1). | |
#define | CRP_TBL_MDMP_MISC _T("MdmpMisc") |
Table: Miscellaneous info contained in crash minidump file. | |
#define | CRP_TBL_MDMP_MODULES _T("MdmpModules") |
Table: The list of loaded modules. | |
#define | CRP_TBL_MDMP_THREADS _T("MdmpThreads") |
Table: The list of threads. | |
#define | CRP_TBL_MDMP_LOAD_LOG _T("MdmpLoadLog") |
Table: Minidump loading log. | |
#define | CRP_META_ROW_COUNT _T("RowCount") |
Row count in the table. | |
#define | CRP_COL_CRASHRPT_VERSION _T("CrashRptVersion") |
Column: Version of CrashRpt library that generated the report. | |
#define | CRP_COL_CRASH_GUID _T("CrashGUID") |
Column: Globally unique identifier (GUID) of the error report. | |
#define | CRP_COL_APP_NAME _T("AppName") |
Column: Application name. | |
#define | CRP_COL_APP_VERSION _T("AppVersion") |
Column: Application version. | |
#define | CRP_COL_IMAGE_NAME _T("ImageName") |
Column: Path to the executable file. | |
#define | CRP_COL_OPERATING_SYSTEM _T("OperatingSystem") |
Column: Opration system name, including build number and service pack. | |
#define | CRP_COL_SYSTEM_TIME_UTC _T("SystemTimeUTC") |
Column: Time (UTC) when the crash occured. | |
#define | CRP_COL_EXCEPTION_TYPE _T("ExceptionType") |
Column: Code of exception handler that cought the exception. | |
#define | CRP_COL_EXCEPTION_CODE _T("ExceptionCode") |
Column: Exception code; for the structured exceptions only. | |
#define | CRP_COL_INVPARAM_FUNCTION _T("InvParamFunction") |
Column: Function name; for invalid parameter errors only. | |
#define | CRP_COL_INVPARAM_EXPRESSION _T("InvParamExpression") |
Column: Expression; for invalid parameter errors only. | |
#define | CRP_COL_INVPARAM_FILE _T("InvParamFile") |
Column: Source file name; for invalid parameter errors only. | |
#define | CRP_COL_INVPARAM_LINE _T("InvParamLine") |
Column: Source line; for invalid parameter errors only. | |
#define | CRP_COL_FPE_SUBCODE _T("FPESubcode") |
Column: Subcode of floating point exception; for FPE exceptions only. | |
#define | CRP_COL_USER_EMAIL _T("UserEmail") |
Column: Email of the user who sent this report. | |
#define | CRP_COL_PROBLEM_DESCRIPTION _T("ProblemDescription") |
Column: User-provided problem description. | |
#define | CRP_COL_MEMORY_USAGE_KBYTES _T("MemoryUsageKbytes") |
Column: Memory usage at the moment of crash (in KB). | |
#define | CRP_COL_GUI_RESOURCE_COUNT _T("GUIResourceCount") |
Column: Count of used GUI resources at the moment of crash. | |
#define | CRP_COL_OPEN_HANDLE_COUNT _T("OpenHandleCount") |
Column: Count of open handles at the moment of crash. | |
#define | CRP_COL_OS_IS_64BIT _T("OSIs64Bit") |
Column: Operating system is 64-bit. | |
#define | CRP_COL_GEO_LOCATION _T("GeoLocation") |
Column: Geographic location of the error report sender. | |
#define | CRP_COL_FILE_ITEM_NAME _T("FileItemName") |
Column: File list: Name of the file contained in the report. | |
#define | CRP_COL_FILE_ITEM_DESCRIPTION _T("FileItemDescription") |
Column: File list: Description of the file contained in the report. | |
#define | CRP_COL_PROPERTY_NAME _T("PropertyName") |
Column: Name of the application-defined property. | |
#define | CRP_COL_PROPERTY_VALUE _T("PropertyValue") |
Column: Value of the application-defined property. | |
#define | CRP_COL_CPU_ARCHITECTURE _T("CPUArchitecture") |
Column: Processor architecture. | |
#define | CRP_COL_CPU_COUNT _T("CPUCount") |
Column: Number of processors. | |
#define | CRP_COL_PRODUCT_TYPE _T("ProductType") |
Column: Type of system (server or workstation). | |
#define | CRP_COL_OS_VER_MAJOR _T("OSVerMajor") |
Column: OS major version. | |
#define | CRP_COL_OS_VER_MINOR _T("OSVerMinor") |
Column: OS minor version. | |
#define | CRP_COL_OS_VER_BUILD _T("OSVerBuild") |
Column: OS build number. | |
#define | CRP_COL_OS_VER_CSD _T("OSVerCSD") |
Column: The latest service pack installed. | |
#define | CRP_COL_EXCPTRS_EXCEPTION_CODE _T("ExptrsExceptionCode") |
Column: Code of the structured exception. | |
#define | CRP_COL_EXCEPTION_ADDRESS _T("ExceptionAddress") |
Column: Exception address. | |
#define | CRP_COL_EXCEPTION_THREAD_ROWID _T("ExceptionThreadROWID") |
Column: ROWID in CRP_TBL_MDMP_THREADS of the thread in which exception occurred. | |
#define | CRP_COL_EXCEPTION_THREAD_STACK_MD5 _T("ExceptionThreadStackMD5") |
Column: MD5 hash of the stack trace of the thread where exception occurred. | |
#define | CRP_COL_EXCEPTION_MODULE_ROWID _T("ExceptionModuleROWID") |
Column: ROWID in CRP_TBL_MDMP_MODULES of the module in which exception occurred. | |
#define | CRP_COL_MODULE_NAME _T("ModuleName") |
Column: Module name. | |
#define | CRP_COL_MODULE_IMAGE_NAME _T("ModuleImageName") |
Column: Image name containing full path. | |
#define | CRP_COL_MODULE_BASE_ADDRESS _T("ModuleBaseAddress") |
Column: Module base load address. | |
#define | CRP_COL_MODULE_SIZE _T("ModuleSize") |
Column: Module size. | |
#define | CRP_COL_MODULE_LOADED_PDB_NAME _T("LoadedPDBName") |
Column: The full path and file name of the .pdb file. | |
#define | CRP_COL_MODULE_LOADED_IMAGE_NAME _T("LoadedImageName") |
Column: The full path and file name of executable file. | |
#define | CRP_COL_MODULE_SYM_LOAD_STATUS _T("ModuleSymLoadStatus") |
Column: Symbol load status for the module. | |
#define | CRP_COL_THREAD_ID _T("ThdeadID") |
Column: Thread ID. | |
Column: The table ID of the table containing stack trace for this thread. | |
#define | CRP_COL_STACK_MODULE_ROWID _T("StackModuleROWID") |
Column: Stack trace: ROWID of the module in the CRP_TBL_MODULES table. | |
#define | CRP_COL_STACK_SYMBOL_NAME _T("StackSymbolName") |
Column: Stack trace: symbol name. | |
#define | CRP_COL_STACK_OFFSET_IN_SYMBOL _T("StackOffsetInSymbol") |
Column: Stack trace: offset in symbol, hexadecimal. | |
#define | CRP_COL_STACK_SOURCE_FILE _T("StackSourceFile") |
Column: Stack trace: source file name. | |
#define | CRP_COL_STACK_SOURCE_LINE _T("StackSourceLine") |
Column: Stack trace: source file line number. | |
#define | CRP_COL_STACK_ADDR_PC_OFFSET _T("StackAddrPCOffset") |
Column: Stack trace: AddrPC offset. | |
#define | CRP_COL_LOAD_LOG_ENTRY _T("LoadLogEntry") |
Column: A entry of the minidump loading log. | |
#define | crpGetProperty crpGetPropertyA |
Character set-independent mapping of crpGetPropertyW() and crpGetPropertyA() functions. | |
#define | crpExtractFile crpExtractFileA |
Character set-independent mapping of crpExtractFileW() and crpExtractFileA() functions. | |
#define | crpGetLastErrorMsg crpGetLastErrorMsgA |
Defines character set-independent mapping for crpGetLastErrorMsgW() and crpGetLastErrorMsgA(). | |
Typedefs | |
typedef int | CrpHandle |
Handle to an opened error report. | |
Functions | |
int | crpOpenErrorReportW (LPCWSTR pszFileName, LPCWSTR pszMd5Hash, LPCWSTR pszSymSearchPath, DWORD dwFlags, CrpHandle *phReport) |
Opens a zipped crash report file. | |
int | crpOpenErrorReportA (LPCSTR pszFileName, LPCSTR pszMd5Hash, LPCSTR pszSymSearchPath, DWORD dwFlags, CrpHandle *phReport) |
int | crpCloseErrorReport (CrpHandle hReport) |
Closes the crash report. | |
int | crpGetPropertyW (CrpHandle hReport, LPCWSTR lpszTableId, LPCWSTR lpszColumnId, INT nRowIndex, LPWSTR lpszBuffer, ULONG cchBuffSize, PULONG pcchCount) |
Retrieves a string property from crash report. | |
int | crpGetPropertyA (CrpHandle hReport, LPCSTR lpszTableId, LPCSTR lpszColumnId, INT nRowIndex, LPSTR lpszBuffer, ULONG cchBuffSize, PULONG pcchCount) |
int | crpExtractFileW (CrpHandle hReport, LPCWSTR lpszFileName, LPCWSTR lpszFileSaveAs, BOOL bOverwriteExisting) |
Extracts a file from the opened error report. | |
int | crpExtractFileA (CrpHandle hReport, LPCSTR lpszFileName, LPCSTR lpszFileSaveAs, BOOL bOverwriteExisting) |
int | crpGetLastErrorMsgW (LPWSTR pszBuffer, UINT cchBuffSize) |
Gets the last CrashRptProbe error message. | |
int | crpGetLastErrorMsgA (LPSTR pszBuffer, UINT cchBuffSize) |