![]() |
crashrpt | |
A crash reporting system for Windows applications |
To run the tests, go to the bin directory and click the Tests.exe executable file. This should launch a console program that will run a set of test cases.
Tests optionally can be launched from a temporary folder having Chinese UNICODE characters in its name. This can be used to test UNICODE compatibility. To skip this, just press Enter when prompted.
Tests are organized into several test suites. Below is the list of test suites:
You can run tests from all test suites at once, or to run tests from selected test suites. To run tests from all test suites, press Enter when prompted. To run tests from selected test suites, type their names when prompted (separate names by space).
Do you want to run tests from a folder containing Chinese characters to
test UNICODE compatibility (y/n)?
Your choice >
=== Automated tests for CrashRpt v.1.2.10 ===
The list of avaliable test suites:
- CrashRptAPITests : CrashRpt API function tests
- CrashRptProbeAPITests : CrashRptProbe API function tests
- CrproberTests : crprober.exe tests
- DeliveryTests : Error report delivery tests
- LangFileTests : CrashRpt language file tests
Enter which test suites to run (separate names by space) or enter empty
line to run all test suites.
Your choice >
Running tests...
- TopLevelTestSuite::SetUp... OK.
- CrashRptAPITests::SetUp... OK.
- CrashRptAPITests::Test_InstallW... OK.
- CrashRptAPITests::Test_InstallA... OK.
- CrashRptAPITests::Test_crUninstall... OK.
- CrashRptAPITests::Test_AddFile... OK.
- CrashRptAPITests::Test_crInstall_null... OK.
- CrashRptAPITests::Test_crInstall_wrong_cb... OK.
- CrashRptAPITests::Test_crInstall_missing_app_ver... OK.
- CrashRptAPITests::Test_crInstallW_zero_info... OK.
- CrashRptAPITests::Test_crInstallA_zero_info... OK.
- CrashRptAPITests::Test_crInstallA_twice... OK.
- CrashRptAPITests::Test_crInstallA_short_path_name... OK.
- CrashRptAPITests::Test_crInstallW_short_path_name... OK.
- CrashRptAPITests::Test_crInstallToCurrentThread... OK.
- CrashRptAPITests::Test_crInstallToCurrentThread_concurrent... OK.
- CrashRptAPITests::Test_crAddFileA... OK.
- CrashRptAPITests::Test_crAddFileW... OK.
- CrashRptAPITests::Test_crAddScreenshot... OK.
- CrashRptAPITests::Test_crAddScreenshot2... OK.
- CrashRptAPITests::Test_crAddPropertyA... OK.
- CrashRptAPITests::Test_crAddPropertyW... OK.
- CrashRptAPITests::Test_crAddRegKeyA... OK.
- CrashRptAPITests::Test_crAddRegKeyW... OK.
- CrashRptAPITests::Test_crGenerateErrorReport... OK.
- CrashRptAPITests::Test_crEmulateCrash... OK.
- CrashRptAPITests::Test_crGetLastErrorMsgA... OK.
- CrashRptAPITests::Test_crGetLastErrorMsgW... OK.
- CrashRptAPITests::Test_CrAutoInstallHelper... OK.
- CrashRptAPITests::Test_CrThreadAutoInstallHelper... OK.
- CrashRptAPITests::Test_crInstall_in_different_folder... OK.
- CrashRptAPITests::Test_undecorated_func_names... OK.
- CrashRptAPITests::Test_crashrpt_dll_file_version... OK.
- CrashRptAPITests::TearDown... OK.
- CrashRptProbeAPITests::SetUp... OK.
- CrashRptProbeAPITests::Test_crpOpenErrorReportA... OK.
- CrashRptProbeAPITests::Test_crpOpenErrorReportW... OK.
- CrashRptProbeAPITests::Test_crpCloseErrorReport... OK.
- CrashRptProbeAPITests::Test_crpExtractFileW... OK.
- CrashRptProbeAPITests::Test_crpExtractFileA... OK.
- CrashRptProbeAPITests::Test_crpGetLastErrorW... OK.
- CrashRptProbeAPITests::Test_crpGetLastErrorA... OK.
- CrashRptProbeAPITests::Test_crpGetPropertyW... OK.
- CrashRptProbeAPITests::Test_crpGetPropertyA... OK.
- CrashRptProbeAPITests::Test_crpGetProperty... OK.
- CrashRptProbeAPITests::Test_crashrptprobe_dll_file_version... OK.
- CrashRptProbeAPITests::TearDown... OK.
- CrproberTests::SetUp... OK.
- CrproberTests::Test_output... OK.
- CrproberTests::Test_extract_file... OK.
- CrproberTests::TearDown... OK.
- DeliveryTests::SetUp... OK.
- DeliveryTests::Test_HttpDelivery_legacy_encoding... Failed.
!!! In test: DeliveryTests::Test_HttpDelivery_legacy_encoding Expr: dwExitCode==
- DeliveryTests::Test_HttpDelivery_binary_encoding... Failed.
!!! In test: DeliveryTests::Test_HttpDelivery_binary_encoding Expr: dwExitCode==
- DeliveryTests::Test_SmtpDelivery... Failed.
!!! In test: DeliveryTests::Test_SmtpDelivery Expr: dwExitCode==0
- DeliveryTests::Test_SmtpDelivery_proxy... Failed.
!!! In test: DeliveryTests::Test_SmtpDelivery_proxy Expr: dwExitCode==0
- DeliveryTests::Test_SMAPI_Delivery... OK.
- DeliveryTests::TearDown... OK.
- LangFileTests::SetUp... OK.
- LangFileTests::Test_lang_file_versions... OK.
- LangFileTests::TearDown... OK.
- TopLevelTestSuite::TearDown... OK.
=== Summary ===
1: In test: DeliveryTests::Test_HttpDelivery_legacy_encoding Expr: dwExitCode==0
2: In test: DeliveryTests::Test_HttpDelivery_binary_encoding Expr: dwExitCode==0
3: In test: DeliveryTests::Test_SmtpDelivery Expr: dwExitCode==0
4: In test: DeliveryTests::Test_SmtpDelivery_proxy Expr: dwExitCode==0
Test count: 62
Tests passed: 58
Tests failed: 4